Woohoo, I have found a forum software that I LOVE, functionality-wise. So this post is to test whether or not the post publishes into the forum, if it assigns to a category and if the comments made publish back into the blog. Here we go . . . if you see this, please comment away!!
Author: Administrator
today’s work . . . some success and some failure
The Failure
So, today I’m working on getting the “after login” page useable. I want everyone to be able to see the courses they are enrolled in and be able to access the latest blog posts and forum posts. Was it a success? Well, no. I’m waiting for support to answer an email and tell me what shortcode to use for the page. Its not going well 🙁 . . . .
so I decided I’d work on blocking Stormy Weather. I just need to get it wet and lay it out to dry sort of stretching the lower part of the sleeve to accommodate my fat forearms. When I pulled it out of the bin, I noticed strings hanging from the hood and sleeve. Duh! I forgot I’d taken one of the sleeves apart to fix the cuff bind-off. Sigh!
I go on the hunt for my Chibis. What a mess my office is after bringing home things from the store. Nothing has a permanent home yet and I can’t lay my hands on what I want. I’m so frustrated. I spent an hour looking around in baskets, bags, and even a suitcase. Hah! Look what is in plain site on my desk!
The Success
Ugh! I’m closing up the office. Done for the day. Going to get outside for a short drive and refresh my head. I wish I had $3000 to just hire someone to make this all work so we could get busy with the task of Knitting. If you’d like to help fund this, just purchase the beta-Subscriber package.
Tomorrow’s a new day!
Blog Post Planning
Hi knitting friends,
Knitting Time
Well, it’s that time of year to start the fall knitting. I am desperately trying to keep my project list at under 6 projects (two knitalongs, two classes, a club, and an original design). Yikes! If you are thinking about joining in my knitalongs, the handknit one is Fisher Lassie and the machine knit project is Stormy Weather. Save your $$ to get the yarn mid-September. I’ll be announcing signups via the newsletter soon.
Website Updates
I’m still working on getting the e-commerce store functionality. Also working on the forums within clubKnit making it operational. Already done is streamlining the registration and purchasing process for beta-subscribers. Now to work on the free membership levels.
Seeking Cheerleaders
I’m making progress, but would value more input and accountability. If you are interested in joining our Secret Cheerleading group on facebook, just send me a private message on facebook. Note, you can text my business line (260-351-2260) now as I’ve gone mobile with the telephone. Now, if you call me I may be at my mothers in Florida, my mother-in-laws in Michigan [currently!!], my children’s in Indiana, or wherever else I decide to land now that my business is primarily virtual.
Friday Coffee Club
Even thought I’m running a virtual business, in person meet-ups are sooooo very important to me and I am very much an extrovert (ENFP on the Briggs-Meyers personality scale). Please plan on joining a meet-up around 2-4 on Fridays at Great Lakes Coffee in Kendallville. I can’t say I’ll always be there, but I will try to be.
Fixture, Furniture and Stuff closeout
We’re in the process of cleaning out the storefront as we have a few people interested in either leasing or buying it. Here’s the link to pictures of what we have left. Note that all of the knitting supplies left have been brought to our home office and are currently being listed on ebay. We have two ebay stores: bondknitter and icefisherman1 (although Tom’s tends to be garage sale finds with some knitting thrown in).
I think that’s this week’s news. Stay tuned . . . .
P.S. editing to add that I am trying to set up a blog posting schedule for the members here, free and paid. I’m thinking a couple times a week, perhaps a technical post containing a technique (hand or machine), a www inspirational-type store, and a project update. Can you give me ideas on what you would like to read posted here?
are you a cheerleader?
Join my squad!! I need some rah! Rah! and accountability help. I have a to-do list a mile long. Each day I pick something to work on from “the list.” Your job will be to cheer me along through that daily task. You will be a second set of ears and eyes to make sure everything works properly and be the tire kicker before I launch. If you are interested in joining me (secret facebook group), let me know in the comments below. Thanks!!
P.S. The squad is open to a limited number and will be a mix of hand and machine knitters (both LK and USM).
Not forgotten, moving forward
Hi everyone, just want to give you all a heads up on current status . . . you are NOT forgotten.
Priority One: E-commerce update –> close storefront
In my last post I said I needed to get the e-commerce for KnittingToday.com back operational. Well, it is working, now I have to get products loaded and get ready to sell some things. One of the reasons this had to happen was our old website was SOOOO out of date that I was issuing more refunds than sales. And, when I took down the website, it made having the storefront unnecessary. So, Saturday we had a final sale day and anything left is boxed up and waiting for Tom to list on E-bay. Now I can focus on listing the items for upcoming knitalongs and projects on the knittingtoday.com website. I had to purchase some software that will link any purchases made from the website to the clubknit website (and learn how to install and configure it — ugh!). Visit http://www.knittingtoday.com/store.
Priority Two: Education and Inspiration
I listed four projects in the last blog post. No progress has been made on them AT all. In fact, I didn’t even have them on my calendar to work on. How sad is that. I’ll remedy that this week. My office at home now has the LK150 and all of my knitting needles and supplies in residence. I’m ready to knit, when I’m not distracted by the view!!
The inspiration and education projects i am working on are:
- Stormy Weather Tunic turned cardigan (for lk150)
- Fisher Lassie (handknit)
- Luxury Yarn Club (as club members you will get a discount)
- Get It Out of the Box class (for lk150)
- Cables class (replaces KT Newsletter — for LK150)
- A surprise freebie project of my own design (LK150 or Hand)
Priority Three: Education and Community
I decided I want to move this to priority one!! Community is so important to me. My creativity and enthusiasm is fed by everyone talking with each other, asking questions, and sharing. In order to do that, I have to do some things to make it easier and more intuitive to use the forum software area of the site. Look for that coming up.
Back to work . . . . comment below and give me input, cheer me on, take over, whatever . . . I just want to know you are here!!
Update: Current Three Priorities

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to post a quick status update on the current three priorities.
Priority 1: Knittingtoday.com e-commerce website.
I’m currently working on getting the Knitting Today e-commerce website operational. I can’t make money if I can’t sell anything and that is the vehicle to sell it through. We are selling out existing stock from the storefront in our e-bay stores (bondknitter and icefisherman1). I’m curious, what would you buy online if I offered it? Needles, machines, patterns, yarn, clubs, knitalongs? Be specific!!!
Priority Two: Education and Inspiration.
Finish some existing projects and start a new one.
- I am so close to finishing the Stormy Weather Tunic turned Cardigan that I can taste it! Of course I’m not going to wear it in 92 degree heat, but I want it ready for cool nights on the pontoon.
- Marseille Tee, going to LK150 this one. Just need to get started on the gauge swatch. I’ll blog and periscope while I’m doing it.
- Fisher Lassie, the next hand knit cardigan. Need to finish the gauge swatch and write the blog post about it.
- Reyna, a handknit scarf saved for community knitting.
Priority 3: Education and Community.
Get some online classes loaded and discussion going in the forums. I have formatting and design issues to work through. But the two classes I have on my list is: Get It Out of the Box (LK150) and Cables (USM and LK150). I have a multitude of hand knitting ideas floating around, but I don’t think of those as classes, rather instruction during the Knitalongs.
Thank you
Thank you, each of you, for hanging in here with me while I get everything operational. Comment below and let me know what you are working on now!
P.S. you have to be a member and log-in to comment.
Myc-2016, shipment 3 — swoon!
Hot on the heels of twizzlefoot from Mountain Colors is the next shipment of color. Feederbrook farm managed to take a combination of bfl and nylon and dye and spin it into awesome lusciousness.
I have been sitting on this post trying to figure out the fairest way to distribute colors. I’m going to pick a name, reach my hands on the box and pull out a skein and that’s what you get…..If you want to trade, you can do so here in the comments or come to the meet up Friday, July 15, 2-5 or 6-9 or Saturday from 10-4.
Upcoming projects: Fisher Lassie from superwash dk by Stonehedge, Beld in silky wool, and a winter luxury yarn club.
Stormy weather bands
Join me live on periscope.tv today, June 29 @ 11est, for decision time. Is one pick up and bind off enough or do I need to do two?
MYC2016-2: yarn now here!
What do you want to see here?
Hey ClubKnit members, I need some help!
Please comment below and ask me a question about your knitting. Or tell me what you want to see addressed in the monthly lesson for subscribers.
Thanks. I don’t want to leave you hanging, but so far I haven’t had a lot of ideas about just what to help you with.
— Lea-Ann