I’m trying to wrap up the details and pages for the new mystery yarn club 2016, and decided I needed to sit back and take a break. This project, Stellanti, is my go-to for letting the rhythm of knitting refresh my focus and is my featured Throwback Thursday post today, plus I’ve found the Balance essential oil, helps keep me there.
Pattern is Stellanti from Nelkin Designs and can be knit with or without the beads. There are a few copies left at Knitting Today. We will be taking the store offline within the next couple of weeks so we can move it and re-sync with actual inventory, so please shop and get anything you want now!!!
The yarn was a specialty club project we contracted with FibroFibers for this special order project way back when (2013?). Haley started this project for her last year in 4-h, but ended up knitting a moebius instead as this was pretty ambitious for a few month (week?) timeframe. She did complete it through a few border rows though until she put it away and when I was reorganizing my office space, I picked it up.
UFO Restart
Starting over, I had to count and re-count stitches, drop back and fix some yarn overs that were placed on the wrong side of the markers, and figure out generally where she had left off. It was FUN!! I love stuff like that! I even wrote a draft blog post about the process and will probably share that with you some day. Anyways, what you see in the featured image is border row 13 (122-155-122) and it’s only 22 deep, so the end is in sight. Did you remember I called it my rhythmic work? Yes, it is. The row is repetitive with yo, P2tog, K1, p2tog, yo, P1, k1, p1. And placing beads on top of beads. I recognize immediately if I’ve done something wrong two rows before and can fix it. My kind of knitting. Anyways, the final row count, row 22, has a final stitch count of 169-215-169, so it does take a while to get across one row, but I will finish the knitting. Notice, I said the knitting. It’s me, and to truly finish it means I would have to weave in ends and block too!!
Balance Essential Oil
I have to get moving along here though, because I have an essential oil 101 class I’m hosting at the Knitting Today store this evening and I want to serve Peppermint flavored brownies. I’m going to be diffusing an apple pie combination as well. Yum!! I started using essential oils about a year ago to help our bodies get through winter and spring ailments. It has worked, we’ve all been healthier and I can’t be more excited to share what I use and how I use it in person. If you are interested in more information, get in touch with me at my McGregor Oils email.
March ClubKnit Meetups
Mark your calendar for some spring frolic fun — Friday, March 18, 2-5 and 6-9; Saturday, March 19, 10-4 —- JOIN US in person at the Knitting Today ClubRoom, 8040 E 500 S, Wolcottville, IN 46795 — Knitting, friends, and Food (not necessarily in that order!) NOTE: there will be no April meetup so Lea-Ann can go on spring break! Fee for non-clubmembers is $5. Free if you join the club.
Mystery Yarn Club 2016
And last, but not least, enrollment in the Mystery Yarn Club 2016 [MYC2016] starts today and ends March 31 or until 30 clubs are sold, whichever comes first. What is MYC2016 you ask? Its three new-to-me wonderful skeins of Yarn! I have had these three yarns on my “want” list for a couple years now and its finally time. Once you buy in, you can expect a new skein to arrive by mail once per month in May, June and July. I can tell you this, its lightweight because it’ll be summer knitting time! I’ll include a one-skein project idea with each shipment, but you can also purchase the book (ebook or soft back or both) Sock Yarn Accessories direct from the publisher with a 10% off coupon available only to MYC2016 members. Once you have that book, you may decide you want two skeins, so watch your email for the limited time frame to order extra. Subscriber-level club members will get additional discounts and freebies, so click the Join the Club button and complete that first while its still half off!!!
Visit the Mystery Yarn Club 2016 Page to join and get in on this deliciousness of yarn.
See you in the clubs!! — Lea-Ann